Get rid of termites with the help of right pest control

Nov 22, 2019

There are many insects and other pests that disturb the homeowners to a greater extent. Few insects are dangerous too. Termite is one such pest that can ruin the house single-handedly. They also can destroy the house’s foundation within a short duration of time. So, it is mandatory to take necessary actions without any further delay. To get rid of termites, you will need to choose the best Termite Control MelbourneWith the help of the right pest control team, you can get rid of termites very easily. You can also try using extermination techniques like beneficial nematodes, cardboard traps, heat and cold to attack the infestation. This can help when it’s not severe. But always remember to seek the help of experts when the case is severe because your home is more like a large investment of your life. 

Look for signs of an infestation:

The following are some of the techniques that ensure the presence of termites in your property:

  • You may or may not see the direct evidence of termite infestation. This factor doesn’t mean that you should be less worried about it. Holes in woodwork, hollow parts of your foundation and sagging floors are all serious signs of termites infestation. To check further, follow the following steps.
  • Take a sharp tool like a screwdriver along with torchlight and move to your basement. Check for crawlspaces and foundation beams by tapping on the wood. Check if there is any hollow space and use your sharp tool to go further to test the strength of the weed. If the wood easily allows the sharp tool to enter or if the wood falls apart easily, there is termites infestation. 
  • While checking this, you must also keep an eye for termites wastes. Termite wastes will be wood colored or darker brown pellets. The presence of termites waste will also confirm the presence termites nearby or in the same area.
  • There are possibilities of finding a termite nest on your property. A subterranean termite will build a system of tubes and tunnels of mud, while dry wood termite is found commonly in a nest inside the wood. 

Determine the type of termite that invaded your house

Two general types of termites usually invade your home namely:

  1. Subterranean termite
  2. Dry wood termite

The subterranean termites are found common in both the soil around your home and the wood of your home whereas the dry wood termites are found purely in the wooden properties. The dry wood termites are usually found in the warm and coastal areas like Texas, Louisiana, California, Florida, and Georgia whereas the subterranean termites are found anywhere in the states.

  • Subterranean termites are found in compost piles and wood around your home, in addition to the foundation wood.
  • Subterranean termites are more dangerous than the dry wood termites and thus the pest control team uses different methods to clear the two different termites.

By finding the type of termite that has invaded your house, you can choose the specialist and obtain faster results.

Things to consider when seeking professional help

If you have decided that termites infestation is too big to handle without the help of professionals, you have to consider a few points before choosing the best pest control team. Make sure that you follow the following points before calling the professionals for help.

  • Get at least three different quotes from the competing firms.
  • Look at the earlier service records provided by the Structural Pest Control Board before you decide to employ them.
  • Get written agreements stating that they have to come back for a periodic check-up and look for any new infestation at no cost after the first time service. 

Final thoughts

You can find several termite treatment Melbourne from which you can choose the best one that suits your budget and other considerations. With the help of the right pest control team, get rid of termites and live happily!

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